Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Badge Generator for blog or website

his widget was devewloped by ksb codings team thanks to him.Grab our button or your badge widget for your website or blog which helps to create backlinks as well as to spread your popularity among your blogger friends. The more other people are noticing you (or, in the case of the Internet, linking to you), the more your profile will rise, both figuratively and literally in things like your Google Page Rank. One easy thing you can do is create a simple badge for your blog or site that you can ask current readers, guest bloggers or other partners to include on their own as a link back to you. But we have simplified your job little more. Here you just have to Enter Title of your Blog or Website in First Field, the URL of your website in IInd Field and upload any image in blogger and get the url of the image and enter it in IIIrd Field and Press the Generate badge Link Button. Copy the code and copy anywhere on your website or Blog.

  • please fill up the required details .
  • Then generate the code by clicking generate button.

Badge Generator By KSB codings

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